
Welcome to the Quakertown Community School District Transportation web page. We, along with Levy School Bus Company, are "Dedicated to the safe and efficient student transportation of the Quakertown Community School District"

Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Board policies that have been established to assist in our goal of maintaining the consistency needed to keep our children as safe as possible.

Should you have any questions or seek further information, please feel free to contact Levy School Bus Company by visiting their website or by calling (215) 536-4567. Or contact Brooke Renninger, QCSD's Transportation Coordinator, or (267) 371-1280. 

Click on any of the below links should you need to:

Please contact Brooke Renninger or call (267) 371-1280 to request a bus pass.

Levy Bus Company is Still Hiring!
If anyone you know enjoys working with children and is looking for a part-time job, please contact or pass along this information: 

Levy Bus Company

114 E. Broad St., Trumbauersville, PA 18970

(215) 536-4567, email: Office Levy Bus

Please visit their website for additional information.

levy school flyer